紅葉狩Momijigari (Maple Viewing)

The vice-councilor of the Imperial court, Taira no Koremochi, had departed on a deer-hunting trip when he strayed from the road and became lost. After a time he came upon Mt Togakushi in Shinshu Province, and headed down into a valley in search of a path.

After a time he came upon Mt Togakushi in Shinshu Province, and headed down into a valley in search of a path.

Koremochi asked for directions to the road for the village, but the women invited him to join them and said they would provide directions later.

Koremochi agreed, and eventually became so intoxicated he lost consciousness.

These women were in fact female demons who were using Mt. Togakushi as a stronghold for their evil activities, and were about to attack the sleeping Koremochi.

At that moment Hachiman Great Bodhisattva appeared and granted Koremochi a divine sword with the proviso that he defeats the she-demons.

Regaining his senses, Koremochi was able to use the great power of the divine sword to overcome the she-demons’ sorcery and drive them into a cavern, defeating them at last.



Key point: Elegance and glittering dancing of female demons.